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What is Coinbase and GDAX?

Coinbase is one of the leading US companies in the world of crypto currencies. It operates two separate brands. One of them is Coinbase, a more retail consumer oriented platform for buying Bitcoin with fiat currencies, much like Bitstamp. On the other hand, GDAX (Global Digital Asset Exchange) is a more advanced crypto currency trading platform.

What is GDAX and how does it work?

GDAX is an exchange operated by Coinbase. What you get for the higher fees, is one: convenience and two: a guaranteed price. If you place that sell-request at price X, it will execute at that price or fail and tell you it failed.

What is Coinbase and how does it work?

As a result, anyone who has an account at GDAX automatically has one at Coinbase! The platform allows you to buy and sell four different cryptocurrencies, which are Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and Bitcoin Cash. It is also possible to trade these coins against USD and EUR.

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